So the mead has been sitting, lurking in my basement, yea these however many weeks it's been. Have not cracked the seal to check alcohol content, but I have taken a peek to see how it is progressing. A little bit of foam on top implies that there may be some last stages of fermentation going on, but no real bubbling out the air lock in any timeline that my gnat-like attention-span can fathom. The most exciting development is that the mead is definitely getting clearer. I doubt that the taste changes much from a clear to a cloudy mead, but it is gratifying to have it clear up for a more professional-looking appearance.
We're pretty much leaving it up to the weavings of the Norns as far as how clear it gets. Whether due to an appropriate viking fatalism, highfalutin notions about old-school, natural brewing, or just a last-ditch attempt to introduce some aspect of purity into lives of seemingly endless debauchery, we have opted not to use any added clarifiers. At this point, the mead contains its own destiny, and we are just here to make sure that nothing interferes with it.
-Ben Berzerker Rooney
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